
Liqueur Factory

Spiriti Divini means home, festiveness, memories, keenness to experiment with style and creativity.

Our homemade liqueur factory produces very high quality liqueur wines and rosolios which are made according to the oldest Apulian recipes. In fact, the production of the authentic “ros solis” – literally meaning “sun dew”- has always been kept secret by our family that has decided to launch a wider concept of it.

It’s a Family Business

“Spiriti Divini is our business project but also a brothers dream that becomes true.
We grew up together, believing in the same values and it’s an honor to make of a family tradition our job.

Our homemade liqueur factory is and always will be this: a laboratory to produce quality rosoli, a laboratory to produce quality rosoli, which tastes of “tradition” and “cohesion”.

Elia & Paolo Albanese

A new life

A new life for organic materials: we make them available for feeding farm animals or mixed with topsoil as an organic fertilizer for local soils.


The packaging materials we use for our products are all recyclable: corrugated cardboard for the boxes, glass for the liqueur containers, recyclable plastic (just 2% of the recyclable materials, though).

Environmental impact

We aim to reduce our environmental impact through energy saving and water conservation.

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